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Search: authors:"Xiao-qiang Huang"

5 papers found.
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Agaricoglycerides Protect against Hepatic Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury by Attenuating Inflammatory Response, Oxidative Stress, and Expression of NF-κB

-qiang Huang Hospital & Institute of Hepatobiliary Surgery, Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100853, China Received 27 August 2014; Accepted 19 October 2014 Academic Editor: Thomas G. Mitchell

Agaricoglycerides Protect against Hepatic Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury by Attenuating Inflammatory Response, Oxidative Stress, and Expression of NF-κB

-qiang Huang Hospital & Institute of Hepatobiliary Surgery, Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100853, China Received 27 August 2014; Accepted 19 October 2014 Academic Editor: Thomas G. Mitchell

Agaricoglycerides Protect against Hepatic Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury by Attenuating Inflammatory Response, Oxidative Stress, and Expression of NF-κB

-qiang Huang Hospital & Institute of Hepatobiliary Surgery, Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100853, China Received 27 August 2014; Accepted 19 October 2014 Academic Editor: Thomas G. Mitchell

Agaricoglycerides Protect against Hepatic Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury by Attenuating Inflammatory Response, Oxidative Stress, and Expression of NF-κB

-qiang Huang Hospital & Institute of Hepatobiliary Surgery, Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100853, China Received 27 August 2014; Accepted 19 October 2014 Academic Editor: Thomas G. Mitchell

Analysis of intra-operative hemorrhage during resection of benign lesions of liver

Objective To explore the technique of controlling intra-operative hemorrhage during resection of benign lesion of liver.Methods Data of 955 consecutive cases of benign hepatic lesion undergoing resection,admitted to the Air force General Hospital of PLA and General Hospital of PLA from Jan.1986 to Dec.2010,were reviewed retrospectively.The intra-operative hemorrhage and amount of...