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Search: authors:"Yingbing Zhang"

3 papers found.
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Natural Dissociation Ratio of Carboxyl Group Controlled Highly Dispersed Silver Nanoparticles on PSA Microspheres and Their Catalytic Performance

The highly dispersed silver nanoparticle-loaded poly(styrene-co-acrylic acid) nanocomposites (nAg@PSA) were prepared and characterized by transmission electron microscopy and thermogravimetry. The amount and distribution of colloidal silver per particle were related to the dissociation ratio of carboxyl groups in the PSA sphere. The amount of carboxyl groups was evaluated by a...

Randomized phase III trial of radiotherapy or chemoradiotherapy with topotecan and cisplatin in intermediate-risk cervical cancer patients after radical hysterectomy

Background In cervical cancer patients with intermediate-risk factors, the optimal adjuvant therapy is still controversial. We undertook a randomized trial ( Identifier: NCT01418859) to compare the efficacy and toxicity of concurrent chemoradiotherapy with topotecan and cisplatin with radiotherapy alone in intermediate-risk cervical cancer patients. Methods...

Randomized phase III trial of radiotherapy or chemoradiotherapy with topotecan and cisplatin in intermediate-risk cervical cancer patients after radical hysterectomy

Wang, Fan Shi, Jiquan Wang, Juan Wang, Beina Hui, Yingbing Zhang, Jinli Lu, Hongwei Chen & Zi Liu AuthorsSearch for Wenze Sun in:PubMed • Google Scholar Search for Tao Wang in:PubMed • Google Scholar ... for Yingbing Zhang in:PubMed • Google Scholar Search for Jinli Lu in:PubMed • Google Scholar Search for Hongwei Chen in:PubMed • Google Scholar Search for Zi Liu in:PubMed • Google Scholar