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Search: authors:"Yu-chi Ma"

2 papers found.
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Discovery of a new series of imidazo[1,2-a]pyridine compounds as selective c-Met inhibitors

acknowledged. Author contribution Bing XIONG, Jing AI and Dong-mei ZHAO designed the research; Tong-chao LIU, Xia PENG, Yu-chi MA and Yin-chun JI conducted the research; Dan-qi CHEN, Ming-yue ZHENG, Mao-sheng

Energetic factors determining the binding of type I inhibitors to c-Met kinase: experimental studies and quantum mechanical calculations

for Science and Technology Innovation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Author contribution Bing XIONG, Dong-mei ZHAO and Jing-kang SHEN designed the research; Zhe YU, Yu-chi MA, Jing AI, Da-qi CHEN